- 1 lb. whole or detailed cooked shrimp
- 1/2 head of lettuce
- 16 to 18 croutons
- 12 grape tomatoes
- 1/2 cup Caesar salad dressing
- 1/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
- 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper
Cooking utensils:
- Chopping block
- Mixing bowl
- Butcher knife
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: N/A
Okay! The great thing about this recipe is that it's all prep, no cooking, can't be made wrong and makes you look like a culinary champ. If you've got a date you need to impress, fire this up with or without his/her help, and don't forget the fancy serving dishes and two appetizer plates. You add a movie and a classy drink to this meal and you're in great shape.
First, a pre-prep warning. Everything in the recipe besides the lettuce and croutons are mushy and squishy enough that A) you need to crack, rinse and drain your lettuce an hour or two in advance and B) you can't skimp on the croutons, but you should save them for last.
So pull those tails off the shrimp and throw them out; pre-cooked tails are shit for frying. You can cut them or buy de-tailed shrimp but that means less shrimp meat for dinner. Cut each shrimp into three or four pieces; if you segment them along the body they'll each be almost marble-sized. Throw them in a mixing bowl.
Measure and add the dressing in, then quarter each grape tomato and add them, then the pepper - and don't skimp on the pepper. The shrimp and Caesar are just salty enough that you need that pepper to balance them out. Add the parmesan.
Prep your lettuce leaves. My best luck has been to gently pull one entire leaf off the head, rip the white/stem portion off then carefully tear it in half to get two wrap leaves. You'll want about a dozen total.
Count out 16 to 18 croutons, put them in a small Ziplock and beat them with the back of a butcher knife. Yeah, you read that right. Don't make bread crumbs out of them, but break them down a good deal. Pour them into the bowl and mix it all up.
That's about it! No ovens, stovetops, slow cookers or broiling. Spoon some of the mix into a wrap, roll it up and enjoy. If you want to make this recipe your own, feel free to get adventurous by adding some fresh-cooked bacon or trading out Caesar for a vinaigrette with some wine-soaked pine nuts. If that doesn't wow 'em, s/he's not worth wowing.